The third series of Harry Potter titled Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, after released the first series Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone also the second series Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The writer, J.K. Rowling, must be glad can finish all of seven Harry Potter's series. And I just can review thats one by one.
That clearly, Harry is not just usuall boy. Usually, the other boys so waiting summer holydays, Harry feel that holyday is a suffering. Caused by anger, Harry pump his uncle's sister, Aunt Marge. Affraid to Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's anger, also drop out from Hogwarts because use magic in muggle society, Harry runaway. Out of thinking, actually Harry didn't get punishment. The opposite, He get special treat. Third year in Hogwarts explaining why Ministers appology his fault. Actually, Sirius Black, a prisoner of magical jail Azkaban also who responsible to tragedy to Harry's parents, escape and targeting Harry. And why Dementor who must be take care Harry and Hogwarts, make Harry scared, when the other doesn't feel that scare?