JUNE 30 UPDATE: THE CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. Winner was selected, notified and announced on July 1 -- see here.
The Farewell
Thanks to all of you who have followed me here on the blog and on Twitter @Entertainment2u. It's been a pleasure keeping you updated on the latest movies, television, music, online and other entertainment news over the past couple of years. I started all of this back in March 2009 as a hobby -- and it quickly became a passion. But due to a real full-time job and mounting pressures on my time, I can no longer do it all!
You may have seen hints that this was coming -- as my movie reviews ended earlier this year, the weekly music blog posts become monthly, etc. Well, at the end of this month, I'll be ending the Twitter entertainment feed and the blog altogether. And what better way to celebrate this milestone and to thank you for all your support by holding a farewell contest!
The Contest 
The Prizes:
One lucky follower will win a prize package with an ARV of $164 -- an Apple iPod Nano 8 GB Graphite (6th generation; newest model; ARV of $149.00) and one Apple iTunes gift card in the amount of $15 (ARV of $15.00).
How to Enter:
1) If you're not already following @Entertainment2u on Twitter -- do so, by clicking here:
2) Then copy and paste the following message into the "What's happening" field on your Twitter account:
Just entered to win an iPod Nano and iTunes Gift Card in the @Entertainment2u Farewell #Contest. #Giveaway info @ http://bit.ly/E2uFarewell
3) Only one entry per account is counted per day through June 29! So please, only ONE tweet per day (otherwise, you're spamming!). ONE random winner will be chosen from all valid entries. Read notes below and full detailed rules here.

- Contest ends Wednesday, June 29 at 11:59pm ET.
- Only one main contest tweet entry allowed per Twitter account per contest day.
- Entries are only valid if you are following @Entertainment2u on Twitter from point of entry through duration of contest.
- Read full detailed rules here.
- Please note that you do NOT need to comment below about your tweet entries. All tweets are tracked on Twitter -- and each tweet has an equal chance of being the random winner!
- Click here to return to the EntertainmentBlogger home page.